Erstellt: 16.05.2018

Colton Hills Community School and IGS Helpsen have been successful in securing 60,000 Euros  for a project which will be delivered over the next two years. The project context we have identified is Social Inclusion and Promoting Tolerance. The use of the word “tolerance” can also be replaced by respect, as it is more clear concerning appreciation.  The modules are designed to enable students in both schools to develop a better understanding of people from different cultural, social, ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds. This will also include an understanding of the history of the two countries since the First World War. It is the intention within the project that students in both schools should share experiences through their learning for example work done within English or RE could be sent to Germany as a context in which the German students will work and vice versa. The full bid is available for anyone to read but the seven main modules are: Literature text – The Boy With the Topknot – Satnam Sanghera. Content to be considered by students in both schools and discussed and thoughts shared.  Visit of Satnam Sanghera to read from the book and students to do research about living life as a Sikh in Wolverhampton. This can be extended to the issues faced by young people in both countries facing life within one culture whilst coming from a different culture. Research on different religions experienced by students in both school.  Interviewing students from different religions.  Prejudice - Looking at attitudes to different cultures and ethnicities within both countries.  Current world context linked to prejudice and specifically linked to attitudes within England and Germany and within the local areas the schools are situated. Film “Die Kriegerin” consider the message within this film from a British and a German perspective. Consider the impact of all the above on the politics within both countries and specifically looking at the right wing parties which are at present gaining a higher profile in both England and Germany. Within the life of the bid there will be international visits part funded for German and British students on two occasions.  The year groups who will be the focus of this bid are the current years eight and nine in Germany.  There will be a visit of German students in May 2018 to Wolverhampton and the current year 9 German students will be the host students for that group and they will then have the opportunity for a return visit in September. This model will then be repeated and added the following year. Work will be shared through an online work repository, furthermore a blog will be central to the project.

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